Family Wealth Support

Caron & Partners LLP Family Wealth Support group provides bespoke preservation planning and products designed to assist business owner-managers, entrepreneurs and individuals protect their investments and their work in a tax efficient manner. The tax sensitive solutions and corresponding products offered work in conjunction with one’s wills, enduring powers of attorney and personal directives. Those products/services include the following: 

•     the Alter Ego or Joint Partner Trust
•     the Life Insurance Protector™
•     the Principal Residence Protector™
•     the Health and Welfare Trust

The Alter Ego or Joint Partner Trust is available for individuals 65 years of age and older. Designed to offer protection and privacy for one’s estate. Assets in these trusts are outside of probate which is of particular importance in provinces that charge probate fees on death.

The Life Insurance Protector™ protects one’s investment in life insurance so as to ensure that the death benefit, with certainty, is received by the family.

The Principal Residence Protector™ protects the family’s principal residence ensuring that the family always has a roof over their heads.

The Health and Welfare Trust is the gate keeper of a sinking fund for the family used to support and pay for personal matters of the family. Personal matters would include such things as health care and accommodation which is very important for the elderly or individuals suffering from a mental illness. It works in conjunction with one’s personal directive. 

One of the core aspects of this planning is collaboration. Collaboration with accountants, tax planners and financial advisors to ensure a robust bespoke family wealth plan that all advisors agree upon and that is in the best interest of the client. Caron & Partners LLP Family Wealth Support group is committed to the art of collaboration when designing a bespoke preservation plan for clients.


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